Rethinking January

January 25, 2016

by Kim Childs, CPPC

As 2015 came to a close, I felt ready for a long winter’s nap in the wake of some family losses and hardship. “I want to take January off!” I told close friends, while going ahead with business as usual. Well, 2016 was barely a week old when an upper respiratory infection forced me to spend a lot of time “off,” reading all those books I’d wanted to read and starting the contemplative practices I was craving.snow covered forest


In recent years, I’ve been rethinking all that gusto we have for new activities in January. I find winter a time for going in – literally and figuratively – and an opportunity for reflection and renewal. Taking cues from nature’s stillness at this time of year would serve us all well. And so, instead of writing a blog this month, I’m sharing this super helpful article by my dear friend and colleague Portland Helmich about making the most of winter.

Squash soup and a good book, anyone?

Kim Childs, CPPC, is a Certified Life and Career Coach specializing in Positive Psychology, Creativity, and Midlife Transitions. Click here to learn more and schedule an initial consultation.




  • Susin James

    Reading Portland’s article reminded me why I love living in New England. Thank you for sharing it…

  • Paula

    Sorry to hear of your family losses and hardship.
    Hope you continue to be gentle with yourself and take care.
    Sending love and positive thoughts your way.

  • Diane Pienta

    LOVE the message here! Last year I decided to “make friends with Winter” and have brought this approach with me this year too. I slept A LOT and decided not to feel guilty about it (and about not being “productive enough”), I hunkered, souped, and made a commitment to go outside and hangout with winter for at least an hour each day. After a short while of doing this, I had the strong sense of it being the absolute right thing for humans to do at this time of year in this climate, and I was so happy. spring, I was more invigorated and rested and ready to go then I’ve been in a long time.

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