Rethinking January
January 25, 2016
by Kim Childs, CPPC
As 2015 came to a close, I felt ready for a long winter’s nap in the wake of some family losses and hardship. “I want to take January off!” I told close friends, while going ahead with business as usual. Well, 2016 was barely a week old when an upper respiratory infection forced me to spend a lot of time “off,” reading all those books I’d wanted to read and starting the contemplative practices I was craving.
In recent years, I’ve been rethinking all that gusto we have for new activities in January. I find winter a time for going in – literally and figuratively – and an opportunity for reflection and renewal. Taking cues from nature’s stillness at this time of year would serve us all well. And so, instead of writing a blog this month, I’m sharing this super helpful article by my dear friend and colleague Portland Helmich about making the most of winter.
Squash soup and a good book, anyone?
Kim Childs, CPPC, is a Certified Life and Career Coach specializing in Positive Psychology, Creativity, and Midlife Transitions. Click here to learn more and schedule an initial consultation.
Susin James
January 26, 2016
Reading Portland’s article reminded me why I love living in New England. Thank you for sharing it…
January 27, 2016
Sorry to hear of your family losses and hardship.
Hope you continue to be gentle with yourself and take care.
Sending love and positive thoughts your way.
Diane Pienta
January 31, 2016
LOVE the message here! Last year I decided to “make friends with Winter” and have brought this approach with me this year too. I slept A LOT and decided not to feel guilty about it (and about not being “productive enough”), I hunkered, souped, and made a commitment to go outside and hangout with winter for at least an hour each day. After a short while of doing this, I had the strong sense of it being the absolute right thing for humans to do at this time of year in this climate, and I was so happy. spring, I was more invigorated and rested and ready to go then I’ve been in a long time.