by Kim Childs, CPPC As we prepare to celebrate the annual feast of Thanksgiving, it's an anxious time in America. How are you doing? Feel free to let me know. I'm listening, and holding us all in compassion. Meanwhile, I'm truly grateful for you - my students, clients, readers and kindred spirits - and for the important work that I get to do in this world. Last week I received an early holiday gift from a former coaching client who…
by Kim Childs, CPPC Earlier this month, a former client asked for strategies to deal with the current climate of hostility and anxiety in America and around the globe. In addition to trying on some recommendations, my client decided to volunteer with a local political organization in order to feel she was “doing something” in these challenging times. I applaud everyone who's focused on being the positive change they seek in this world right now. It’s why this quote, from…
by Kim Childs, CPPC When I help clients and students go for their truest desires, we quickly bump into any fears that are getting in the way. While fear of failure is certainly high on the list, fear of success can also be there, and it's a sneakier saboteur. Why would we be afraid of having, being and doing what we most wish to have, be and do? Well, because it might shake things up in our lives and relationships,…
by Kim Childs, CPPC This summer, I was too horrified and sickened by the latest incidents of racially charged violence in America to comment on what I was seeing. As reactions flooded social media, I kept quiet because I didn't know how anything I said could make any difference. I waited for the right words to express what was in my heart, and finally one came: relationships. I believe that relationships – as much as protests, civil disobedience and legislation…
by Kim Childs, CPPC As Americans prepare to celebrate Independence Day weekend with barbecues, fireworks, games and gatherings, I invite you to consider where in your life you desire more freedom. Are you tied to commitments and obligations that no longer truly serve you? Are you striving for the elusive goal of perfection anywhere in your life and trying to maintain impossible standards? Do you keep yourself constantly plugged into other people's messages, memes, needs and agendas? One clue is…
by Kim Childs, CPPC Athletic coaching may be as old as the Olympics, but life and career coaching is barely 30 years old as a profession. It began in the late 80s with American financial planner Thomas Leonard, who realized that many of his clients wanted and needed more than investment tips to meet their life goals. The techniques Leonard developed to help his clients complemented, but differed from, those practiced by therapists, mentors and consultants. Leonard went on to…
By Kim Childs When clients come in for career coaching, I tell them that there’s no predictable time frame for finding and landing a wonderful job. Much depends on their own clarity, actions, resources, and resourcefulness, in addition to external factors that are beyond our control. We then get to work assessing, exploring, and identifying, while I hold them accountable to the actions they plan, celebrate their breakthroughs, and help them stay optimistic and supported during doubtful times. But there’s…
by Kim Childs, CPPC Last fall, I was awakened one night by the insistent paw of my cat Sweet Pea, who was eager to head out on her nocturnal adventures. I followed her to the door, where she hesitated, as she sometimes did when the cold air hit her nose. [caption id="attachment_1817" align="alignright" width="300"] My Sweet Pea[/caption] “You want to go out? Go!” I said, impatiently nudging her so I could close the door and go back to bed. I…
by Kim Childs, CPPC In my courses based on The Artist's Way, there's an exercise that asks us to track our spending for one week. It's designed to help us see where our money's going and whether those expenditures reflect our true values. A similar exercise asks us to track how we're spending our time for one week, hour by hour. The results can be sobering for those of us who say we "can't afford" and "don't have time for"…
by Kim Childs, CPPC A few days ago I woke up on a cloudy morning with worries on my mind. Some journaling helped me to see that there was sadness beneath the anxiety. As I finished writing, the sun poked through and I decided to go for a walk in my favorite park. There were just a few of us out there, which inspired me to greet every person I passed. My mood improved a bit with each friendly exchange…