by Kim Childs, CPPC At some point in the process of recovering from my divorce, I realized that I was having trouble dreaming new dreams. While I’d done a lot to heal the emotional pain of my failed marriage, this was something different…and deeper. Eventually, I came to realize that I needed to mourn the dreams I'd had for me and my ex-husband that didn’t come true, and the hopes and plans I had for my own life when I…
by Kim Childs, CPPC Food can be a reliable friend when we seek to comfort and nourish ourselves. But when we repeatedly eat types and quantities of food that leave us feeling miserable, food becomes a weapon that we use against ourselves in an agonizing cycle of self-sabotage and, ironically, self-denial. Because often it’s not that pint of ice cream or piece of cake that we really want. It’s more fulfilling work, deeper relationships, a break from care taking, a…
by Kim Childs, CPPC I lead workshops based on The Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity to help people recover and express their passions and talents. We don't usually make art in the course, but we do spend a lot of time listening to each other as we explore what gets in the way of living our dreams and what to do about it. In the first session I offer a handout called "Could You Just Listen?" to…